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You can have your favorite Polish dishes at your next party or gathering!
Please allow 48 hour notice when placing catering orders.
To place an order please call: 630-378-4251
Option #1
16.99 per person
Two meat Items
Two warm sides
One salad

Option #2
18.99 per person
Two meat Items
Three warm sides
Two salads

Option #3
21.99 per person
Three meat Items
Three warm sides
Three salads
Meat Items
Roast Beef in gravy (Wolowina pieczona w sosie)
Meatblls in marinara sauce, BBQ sauce. (Klopsy wolowe w sosie Marinara, BBQ)
Meatblls in Dill or Mushroom grave. (Klopsy wolowe w koperkowym lub grzybowym)
Mostaciolli with meat sauce.

Breaded Pork Tenderloin (Kotlet Schabowy)
Breaded Pork Tenderloin with mushrooms and melted cheese. (Kotlet schabowy z serem i pieczarkami)
Roast Pork Loin in gravy. (Schab pieczony w sosie)
Fresh Polish Sausage with peppers and onions. (Biala kielbasa z cebula i papryka)
Smoked Polish Sausage with onions. (Wedzona kielbasa z cebula)
Mixed Sausages with peppers and onion. (Kawalki bialej i wedzonej kielbasy z papryka i cebula)
Goulash. (Gulasz wieprzowy)
Stuffed Cabbage. (Golabki)
Stuffed Bell Peppers. (Papryki faszerowane)
Plum Roast. (Pieczen wieprzowa ze sliwka)
Baby Back Ribs in barbeque sauce. (Zeberka w sosie barbeque lub z cebulka)
Pork Patties in mushroom or dill gravy. (Kotlety mielone w sosie grzybowym lub koperkowym)
BBQ Pulled Pork with brioche buns. /Extra $.99 per person.

Breaded Chicken (Kotlet drobiowy)
Breaded Chicken with mushrooms and melted cheese. (Kotlet drobiowy z serem i pieczarkami)
Chicken Kiev . (Devolaje)
Chicken Kiev in cheese gravy. (Devolaje w sosie serowym)
Chicken Patties in mushroom or dill gravy. (Kotlety mielone z kurczaka w sosie grzybowym lub koperkowym)
Baked Chicken Thighs or Drumsticks. (Pieczone udka z kurczaka)
Chicken Parmesan.
Jerk Chicken Thighs.
Breaded White Fish (Smazona ryba)
Baked Salmon. (Losos pieczony) Extra $2.99 per person.

Warm Sides
Mashed Potatoes with brown gravy. (puree ziemniaczane z sosem)
Roasted Dill Red Potatoes. (Ziemniaki czerwone z koperkiem)
Potato Dumplings . (Kopytka)
Silisian Dumplings. (Kluski Slaskie)
Potato Pancakes. (Placki ziemniaczane)
Cheese Blintzes. (Nalesniki z serem)
Apple Crapes. (Nalesniki z Jablkami)
Sauerkraut. (Kapusta zasmazana)
Hunter's Stew- Sauerkraut with sausage, bacon, pork and tomatoes. (Bigos)
Sweet Cabbage. (Slodka kapusta z koperkiem)
Rice with Vegetables. (Ryz z warzywami)
Steamed Vegetables. (Gotowane warzywa)
Green Beans Almandine or with Bacon. (Fasolka z migdalami , boczkiem lub blulka tarta)
Peas and Carrots. (Groszek z marchewka)
Mostaccioli. Vegetarian.
Pierogi- Sweet cheese, potato and cheese, potato, meat, kraut and mushroom, sauerkraut, or potato and cheddar.
(Pierogi-z serem, z serem i ziemniakami, z ziemniakami, z kapusta, z kapusta i grzybami, z miesem, lub z serem cheddar i ziemniakami)
Meat Filled Dumplings- Pyzy z miesem
Vegetable Salad . (Salatka Jarzynowa)
Beet Salad. (Buraczki na zimno lub zasmazane)
Sauerkraut Salad. Surowka z kiszonej kapusty)
Potato Salad. (Salatka ziemniaczana)
Cucumber Salad. (Mizeria)
Cauliflower and Broccoli Salad. (Salatka z brokulow i kalafiora)
Crab Salad. (Salatka krabowa)
Greek Salad. (Salatka Grecka)
Italian Pasta Salad. (Salatka Wloska z makaronem)
Macaroni Salad.
Bowtie Pasta Salad.
Caesar Salad.
Chicken Caesar Salad.
Garden Salad.

for more info or to Place Your Order call 630-378-4251

for more info or to Place Your Order call 630-378-4251
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